03/09/2021 - The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences established the LAS Staff Awards to identify and honor selected staff members for their outstanding contributions to the college. Up to three awards are...
02/05/2021 - Emily Blevins, a PhD student in Clinical-Community Psychology has been chosen to receive both the LAS and UIUC Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. The awards recognize Emily's...
01/31/2021 - Religious convictions can often confer a sense of solace for those facing difficult times. It provides a way of thinking about suffering that casts it in a more positive light. This type of positive...
01/30/2021 - On the basis of her superb record of achievement, Professor Catharine Fairbairn has been selected as a 2021-2022 Helen Corley Petit Scholar by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). Mrs....
01/13/2021 - The United Way of Illinois is hosting a 21-week Equity Challenge that encourages Illinois residents to engage in racial equity conversations to gain a deeper understanding about the impact systemic...
12/20/2020 - It was an unprecedented semester. When you tell people you graduated in "2020," they will already know that you are determined, resilient, focused, and resourceful. You have been tested like no other...
12/09/2020 - Flavanols are a group of compounds found in cocoa, the central ingredient of chocolate. They are well known to improve vascular function in the arms, hands, legs, and feet. In a recent article co-...
12/04/2020 - The COVID-19 pandemic brings added stresses for upcoming finals exams and the winter break. The Psychology Department Mental Health Resources Team releases resources for ...
11/29/2020 - The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Psychology Department recognizes that the coronavirus pandemic poses continued concerns for both physical and mental health. Here, we share resources...
11/28/2020 - Courtney is currently a Junior studying clinical psychology (with a preference for personality), Spanish, and Classics. She is interning at Cunningham Children's Home in Urbana. Working alongside a...
11/28/2020 - If you have spent any considerable time in the psych building, you have likely encountered Operations Manager James "Jim" Clark. He either helped you with a problem or smiled and said hello...
11/20/2020 - During the fall semester, nearly 100 community members participated in a team-taught course highlighting the work of highly regarded University faculty with expertise in neurobehavioral assessment,...
11/15/2020 - On Tuesday, November 16 from 5PM - 6PM CST, Jhilika Kumar, the founder and CEO of Mentra, will come speak at the NeuroBytes Talk Series. Mentra...
11/02/2020 - The Carol and Ed Diener Award in Social Psychology, awarded by the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, is designed to recognize a mid-career scholar whose work has added substantially to...
10/30/2020 - Dear Psychology Graduate Students, Usually, our department celebrates Grad Student Appreciation week with a number of fun activities and programming, orchestrated by our dedicated grad studies team...