10/23/2020 - Dr. Deanna Barch, who has produced pioneering work on the neural mechanisms of psychosis has been appointed as one of the newest members of the National Academy of Medicine. Dr. Barch received her...
10/19/2020 - Dani Kang has been awarded a NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship for her work investigating alcohol's effects on threat sensitivity in a social context. She is sponsored by...
10/19/2020 - In March of 2020, our students left campus for spring break with the ominous possibility that they may not be coming back to their labs in the near future. In a department that enjoys a hearty...
10/01/2020 - When planning activities for courses, committee meetings, or other events, you may want to consult the Interfaith Religious Calendar to make...
09/29/2020 - October 2 Seminar in Sociology Policed: Criminalization and the Policing of Public Housing Philip V. McHarris, Yale University ...
09/23/2020 - The Building Pathways for Emerging Leaders at Illinois program is patterned after leadership programs developed by the Big Ten Academic Alliance and peer universities. The goal of...
09/22/2020 - Cognitive Neuroscience Graduate Student Paul Bogdan is the inaugural winner of the Thomas and Margaret Huang Graduate Fellowship. He was chosen for his work using statistics and machine learning to...
09/22/2020 - This year's theme for the C-U Pride Festival is "Staying Apart, Rising United." To celebrate that feat, the organizers have assembled an amazing schedule of Virtual Events for you to enjoy this...
09/14/2020 - In America, poor people are punished more frequently and more severely for offenses than are the wealthy. One potential explanation for this divide could be that people in society think that poor...
09/09/2020 - Professor Wendy Heller along with 58 women psychologists, who are faculty members in Psychology and Neuroscience and related Departments across North America and Australia, have published an article...
08/12/2020 - Women's exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV), a type of domestic violence, can have profoundly negative consequences on their mental health. New research published by Dr. Heidemarie Laurent...
07/22/2020 - A paper published by Dan Newman and his former graduate student coauthors, "Gender and Leadership Emergence: A Meta-Analysis and Explanatory Model" has been selected for the 2020 “William A. Owens ...
07/16/2020 - Professor Alejandro Lleras and colleagues at SPARK recently helped organize a new initiative so that under-represented scholars at all levels (undergraduate, graduate, postdoc and faculty members)...
07/15/2020 - Professor Diane Beck along with her colleagues in Females of Vision et al. (FoVea) launched the FoVea Speaker List.
06/15/2020 - New research by UIUC Community Psychology professor Nathan Todd examines how awareness of Christian privileges and support for Christian dominance in the United States relates to opposition for...