05/25/2021 - Job hunting and filling a position is a difficult task on both ends. It is even more challenging during a pandemic. After a long search, we are thrilled to have Brian Boyle on the team! He jumped...
05/19/2021 - After 94 years, Dr. Julie Olson-Buchanan became the first woman to lead the Craig School of Business at Fresno State. Dr. Olson-Buchanan earned her bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. degrees from our...
05/18/2021 - Dr. Catharine Fairbairn is one of 12 scholars to win the 2021 Campus Distinguished Promotion Award. The award granted by Provost Cangellaris recognizes scholars identified during the promotion review...
05/12/2021 - Professor Dolores Albarracín has been elected the 2023 President of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). The Society for Personality and Social Psychology promotes scientific...
05/06/2021 - The Raymond B. Cattell Scholarship in Psychology was established by Dr. Samuel Krug (MA’68; PhD’71) in honor of Professor Raymond Cattell who served as his advisor and friend through graduate school...
05/06/2021 - Dr. Michele Gelfand joins the ranks of some of the most world renowned scientists this year in a historic election at the National Academies of Sciences. Election to the Academy represents one of the...
05/05/2021 - James E. Spoor is a distinguished alumnus of the Department of Psychology and the University of Illinois. The scholarships are a gift by his wife, Mrs. Nancy Spoor, to honor her husband and help...
04/24/2021 - These lists are compiled on a semester basis and reflect student ratings of instruction. The ratings are based on Instructor and Course Evaluation (ICES) questionnaire forms maintained by Measurement...
04/24/2021 - On April 23rd, the Clinical-Community program hosted a talk given by Dr. Watson-Singleton titled, "Building a Mindfulness Research Program that Centers the Experience of African Americans." It was...
04/22/2021 - Dr. Zhang has been named one of the 2020 Outstanding Reviewers for the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. The award honor individuals who have provided exemplary service...
04/20/2021 - We resumed our popular Alumni Career Panel series this past spring. Our guests engaged with students of varying stages within their major. They shared stories from their undergrad days through their...
04/02/2021 - The Black and Latinx Men's Summit will take place on April 10th from 10 am - 2 pm via Zoom and is open to all identities. The theme for this year, Mending our Past and Present to Forge a...
04/02/2021 - Update your bookmarks! The Psychology Department's Graduate Writing Center has moved websites and can now be found under the Resources tab at the top of this website or at the url https://psychology....
03/19/2021 - Anxiety disorders and depression represent one of the most common sources of disability worldwide. A key feature of emotional disorders involve disruptions in the brain's ability to effectively...
03/18/2021 - The 2021 Applied Health Sciences Distinguished Lecture Series will be presented by Travis Gayles, MD, PhD on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 from 12:00-1:00pm. He will be speaking on ...