01/16/2019 - Josh's American Psychological Foundation grant is titled "Age-of-onset and sex as vulnerability factors for relapse to methamphetamine-seeking via NMDA-NR2B receptor dysfunction in rats". His NIH...
Research News
01/16/2019 - Congratulations to Ranxiao Frances Wang for being a Co-Investigator on the NSF Grant, "SYNDROME: Synergetic Drone Delivery Network in Metropolis." If you would like to read more information on his...
01/16/2019 - We are delighted to announce that Profs. Nicole Allen and Mark Aber have received a grant from the Champaign County Mental Health Board.
01/16/2019 - The proposed research examines language comprehension differences across the two cerebral hemispheres and as a function of age in order to understand what factors characterize and promote effective...
12/10/2018 - In the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, 16-year-old students in middle-track schools decide whether to stay in school to pursue an academic career or enroll in a vocational training program. A...
12/07/2018 - We are delighted to announce that Prof. Jessica Montag has received three grants.
12/07/2018 - We are delighted to announce that Prof. Joshua Gulley and Prof. Nu-Chu Liang have received grant R21 DA045175 from the National Institute of Drug Abuse.
12/06/2018 - Dolores Albarracin and Sally Chan (Co-Investigator) receive R01 from NIMH. Congratulations!
08/03/2018 - The Department of Psychology of the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana announces the establishment of the Pola and Harry Triandis Fellowship in Cross-Cultural Psychology.
08/01/2018 - We are delighted to announce that Prof. Monica Fabiani has received grant R01 AG059878 from the National Institute of Aging. The project title is "Optical Measures of Cerebral...
06/27/2018 - The title of Tom's project is "Exploring Individual Differences in the Affective Dynamics of Bipolar Spectrum Psychopathology".