Social Psychology PhD student Mazyar Bagherian has received an APA Division 36 Social Justice Task Force Research Grant, to support research conducted by underrepresented students and early career psychologists to support research on underrepresented populations within the psychology of religion area. His proposal titled "The Impact of Non-Religious Demographic Shifts on Attitudes Toward Religious Out-groups" was one of only four proposals to receive this award.
On a personal note, what does receiving this grant mean to you?
This project was my first grant writing and submission attempt. I'm so lucky and grateful to be able to win a grant (even a small one) on my first attempt. It obviously motivates me to keep working hard and get more.
Looking ahead, how do you see this project developing?
I hope to expand the general idea of this project to other non-WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) and non-Christian cultures. Getting this grant would provide the required resources in this regard. I couldn't be more excited!
Are there people you'd like to acknowledge for their contributions to this opportunity's success?
This project is being done under my advisor, Dr. Kimberly Rios's supervision. Her detailed feedback and guidance at every step of this project paved the way for this success.