05/16/2016 - The Diversity Committee with the support from Department leadership and administration hosted this event. There have been multiple incidents of intolerance on campus recently: swastikas, the noose,...
04/04/2016 - Melody Buyokozer Dawkins, a current developmental psychology student, has been awarded an NSF Fellowship from the Graduate College. She is advised by Renee Baillargeon.
08/15/2015 - Suvarna Menon, a doctoral student in the Clinical/Community program, has been selected as a 2015 honoree by the Women's Resources Center within the Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations on...
08/15/2015 - Andrew’s research examines: a) the impact of marginality on the health and life outcomes of ethnic minority populations, and b) the collective processes by which members of these populations are...
08/15/2015 - Each year the campus recognizes outstanding contributions in public engagement to address critical societal issues. The PSC Advocacy Project engages undergraduate and graduate students in an...
08/15/2015 - This American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) award honors psychologists who have made outstanding contributions to the professional development of ethnic minority...
05/16/2015 - Sam Krug received both his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He is currently chairman and CEO of MetriTech, Inc., an educational testing company...
05/12/2015 - Konrad Bresin (4th year Clinical/Community Student) received a Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship (F31) through the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
05/12/2015 - Andrew is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Duke Global Health Institute at Duke University. His research examines: a) the impact of marginality on the health and life outcomes of ethnic...
03/12/2015 - Suvarna Menon, a doctoral student in the Clinical/Community program, has been selected as a 2015 honoree by the Women's Resources Center within the Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations on...
03/09/2015 - The recipient of this year's Psychology Department award for "Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student" is Jorge (Ivan) Hernandez.
01/28/2015 - Psychology graduate Andrew D. Case has been awarded the Vera S. Paster Award from the American Orthopsychiatric Association.
08/15/2014 - This award provides support for advanced graduate and post-doctoral scholars whose research is focused on Native American children's development. The award includes year-long mentorship with an...
08/15/2014 - "The APA MFP is an innovative, comprehensive and coordinated training, mentoring and career development program that enhances psychological and behavioral outcomes of ethnic minority communities. MFP...
08/15/2014 - Andrew’s research examines: a) the impact of marginality on the health and life outcomes of ethnic minority populations, and b) the collective processes by which members of these populations are...