07/25/2018 - The study titled, "Prestige in a large-scale social group predicts longitudinal changes in testosterone" examined the effects of previous experiences of prestige—assessed using community-wide...
07/19/2018 - Prof. Florin and Sanda Dolcos' study shows new insight about how our brain and personality provide protection against depression and anxiety.
07/11/2018 - Nathan Todd received the 2018 Society for Community Research and Action (APA Division 27) Early Career Award.
07/11/2018 - Dan Hyde has won the International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS) 2018 Distinguished Early Career Award.
07/10/2018 - PS Rising Stars reflect the best and brightest of psychological science.
06/27/2018 - The title of Tom's project is "Exploring Individual Differences in the Affective Dynamics of Bipolar Spectrum Psychopathology".
06/25/2018 - Despite recent progress identifying specific brain regions and personality traits, it remains unclear whether there are common factors underlying the structural aspects of the brain and the...
06/18/2018 - Psychology researchers Jari Willing, Daniel Kougias and Prof. Janice Juraska find that pthalates impair the brain.
05/31/2018 - Neal Cohen, professor of psychology and head of the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute (IHSI), now leads the new Center for Brain Plasticity.
05/12/2018 - The Department of Psychology honored Carrie Grady, a distinguished alumna, at our awards program on May 12, 2018. She was also the Department of Psychology's Commencement speaker on May 13, 2018....
02/25/2018 - The GEO has made a decision to strike beginning February 26th.
01/15/2018 - March 26-28, 2018 The Illinois Summit on Diversity in Psychological Science is intended to bring together nationally recognized and emergent psychological scientists whose work focuses on issues...
01/03/2018 - Michael Perino and Daniel Storage have both been selected to receive this year's departmental award for outstanding undergraduate teaching by a teaching assistant.
11/01/2017 - Mikhail Lyubansky has been selected to receive the 2017 Larine Y. Cowan Make a Difference Award for Teaching & Mentoring in Diversity as a recognition of his tireless efforts in...
09/18/2017 - Diane Beck has been awarded the Charles W. Erickson Professorial Scholar award.