04/08/2020 - When sheltering at home, it is a struggle to balance work and the daily grind of upkeeping your home and preparing meals. If you have to add in the factor of supporting your child's learning habits,...
04/02/2020 - Head of Academic Advising, Gary Wszalek from Psychology has been identified as one the top staff...
04/02/2020 - Join the Illinois Interfaith Committee as they host guest speakers in an interfaith dialogue about the ways we are making sense of and taking care of our communities in this time of social distancing...
04/01/2020 - The Department of Psychology denounces the rise of anti-Asian (especially anti-Chinese) xenophobic profiling and racist attacks that are affecting many Asian Americans (particularly those who appear...
03/24/2020 - The term “fake news” dominates social media feeds, and has entered our daily lexicon. Now, a team of researchers from six disciplines across the University of Illinois, and Stanford University plan...
02/21/2020 - Psychology professor Sepideh Sadaghiani is one of 6 people appointed as LEAP Scholars by the College of Letters and Science (LAS). The award recognizes early career scholars that show potential to...
02/17/2020 - Psychology Professor Aaron Benjamin and graduate student Jessica Siler show that taking practice exams can enhance a persons ability to reason about similar but unseen new material.
02/04/2020 - The journal Psychophysiology has published an article honoring Drs. Monica Fabiani and Gabriele Gratton in response to their award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychophysiology.
01/23/2020 - Professor Chadly Stern has been selected to a appointment for the Center of Advanced Studies. This will allow Dr. Stern to pursue novel research under the support of the center and open...
01/14/2020 - The LGS-SOAR (Laney Graduate School - Summer Opportunity for Academic Research)...
12/28/2019 - Student Emergency Grant funds of up to $1,000 may be available to students experiencing a COVID-19-related financial hardship due to unexpected expenses, loss of off-campus employment, out-of-pocket...
12/20/2019 - Dr Sean Laurent reframes a well-known phenomenon in moral reasoning called the "side-effect effect" to show that people are answering different questions when asked about the intentionality of side-...
12/16/2019 - In March 2018, a Steering Committee meeting for the Illinois Summit on Diversity in Psychological Science began a series of discussions about the future of diversity science. The 3-day event brought...
12/07/2019 - Professor Diane Beck, along with a team of researchers from around the world, received a grant from the NSF to fund the activities of the Females of Vision et al. (FoVea). FoVea's mission is to...
12/04/2019 - Founded in 1904, the Society of Experimental Psychologists is the oldest and one of the most prestigious honorary societies in Psychology.