The Department has finished renovating Room 638 on the 6th floor (The "Privacy Lounge"). It is available to students, faculty, and staff needing some private space in the department. This room includes all the comforts for breastfeeding/pumping and a fridge to store milk. Anyone needing access can request a key from the business office on the 3rd floor. Please send a request to or stop by office in 334. If no one is available in 334, please see Brenda Reinhold in 327.
New Privacy Lounge Open for Use.
More Department News
- In a recent article in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, Professor Florin Dolcos and Research Assistant Professor Sanda Dolcos use behavioral measures, eye-tracking, and brain imaging to reconcile opposing findings regarding the...
- Assistant Professor Violeta J. Rodriguez has been awarded the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s DP5 Early Independence Award from the NIH Common Fund’s High-Risk, High-Reward Research program. The Early Independence Award is designed for exceptional junior scientists who have...
- Join us on Friday, September 20th, at 4:00 p.m. at the Campus Instructional Facility Auditorium as we welcome Dr. Mitch Prinstein, the Chief Science...