03/01/2019 - John Westbrook is a graduate student and teaching assistant for the Department of Psychology where he studies in the Clinical...
Graduate Program News
09/10/2018 - The Psychology Writing Support Center is a place where master's and doctoral students in the UIUC psychology department can come to receive one-on-one and also group support to help with their...
01/31/2017 - The recipients of this year's Psychology Department award for "Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student" are Deborah Cronin and Pete Ondish. Please join me in congratulating them.
04/04/2016 - Melody Buyokozer Dawkins, a current developmental psychology student, has been awarded an NSF Fellowship from the Graduate College. She is advised by Renee Baillargeon.
05/12/2015 - Andrew is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Duke Global Health Institute at Duke University. His research examines: a) the impact of marginality on the health and life outcomes of ethnic...
03/12/2015 - Suvarna Menon, a doctoral student in the Clinical/Community program, has been selected as a 2015 honoree by the Women's Resources Center within the Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations on...