Research Description
Development, application, and evaluation of quantitative methods in industrial/organizational psychology. Use of multimedia computer technology such as interactive video to assess social and interpersonal skills.
Ph.D. from the University of Illinois
Additional Campus Affiliations
Dean Emeritus, School of Labor and Employment Relations
Highlighted Publications
Drasgow, F. (2015). Technology and testing: Improving educational and psychological measurement. Taylor and Francis Inc.
Recent Publications
Li, J., Li, Y. M., Xing, Y.-X., Zhang, B., Tang, Y., & Drasgow, F. (2025). Development and Validation of a Game-Based Assessment for Complex Problem Solving. Journal of Intelligence, 13(1), Article 9.
Autrey, R. L., Drasgow, F., Jackson, K. E., & Klevsky, E. (2024). Connectors: A Catalyst for Team Creativity. Accounting Review, 99(1), 57-80.
Estrada, A. X., Laurence, J. H., & Drasgow, F. (2024). Measurement of psychological constructs in military populations and settings. Military Psychology, 36(1), 1-2.
Li, L., Zhang, B., Sun, T., & Drasgow, F. (Accepted/In press). The More Contextualized, the More Valid: Effects of Contextualization Strategies on Forced-choice Measurement. Journal of Business and Psychology.
Zhang, B., Luo, J., Sun, T., Cao, M., & Drasgow, F. (2023). Small but Nontrivial: A Comparison of Six Strategies to Handle Cross-Loadings in Bifactor Predictive Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 58(1), 115-132.